Generate Your Minecraft Account

First off, the developers of Free Premium Minecraft Accounts 2014 would like to personally thank you for choosing our service to use. We strive everyday to become the #1 provider of free premium Minecraft accounts, and with your support we continue to succeed. Without our visitors, we wouldn't be here.

With that being said and out of the way, lets get started!

Below are three servers that we currently host our free accounts on. Please feel free to select one, or all three, to get your free account(s)! Simply click one of the servers, fill out a quick 20 to 60 second survey and be ready to play Minecraft!

Server #1: Online

Last updated: 09/22/2014 at 12:00AM

Server #2: Online

Last updated: 09/22/2014 at 12:00AM

Server #3: Online

Last updated: 09/22/2014 at 12:00AM

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why do you guys have surveys on your accounts?
A: Surveys are posted on all of our servers to help cut down on visitors from leeching our accounts.

Q: Are you guys legit?
A: We are 110% legit. We understand that there are hundreds of fake websites saying they will give you free Minecraft accounts, but we're here to break that stereotype.

Q: Can I get more accounts?
A: Come back every day to get as many accounts as you want! We don't limit our visitors.